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Note: This site is not affiliated with the United States Government or any Federal or State government agency. State seals on the website's pages simply mean that searches are available for these states.
By using this site, you certify that you will use any information obtained for lawfully acceptable purposes. Please be advised that it is against the law to use the information obtained from this site to stalk or harass others. Search requests on public officials, juveniles, and/or celebrities are STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Users who request information under false pretenses or use data obtained from this site in contravention of the law may be subject to civil & criminal penalties. All searches are subject to terms of use and applicable law, information contained herein is derived from records that may have errors and or not always be accurate or complete. We are NOT a consumer reporting agency as defined under the Fair Credit Reporting Act ("FCRA"), and the information in our databases has NOT been collected in whole or in part for the purpose of furnishing consumer reports, as defined in the FCRA. Website information cannot be used to: (a) establish an individual's legibility for personal credit or insurance; (b) assess risks associated with existing consumer credit obligations, (c) evaluate an individual for employment, promotion, reassignment or retention (including employment of household workers such a nannies, housekeepers, or contractors), or (c) in conjunction with assessing the merits of entering into any other personal business transaction with another individual).
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